217 E Myrtle St

Independence, KS 67301


Independence, KS 67301

To facilitate our services to the community, we may be out of the office. Please call our office first prior to visiting – we don’t want to miss helping you!

Once you have completed the NG911 Address Form, you may email, mail, or submit it in person at our office.

NG-911 Addresses

The GIS Mapping Office holds the responsibility in Montgomery County, as it oversees the NG911 addresses. This crucial task involves close collaboration with both the State of Kansas NG911 services and the local emergency services. The focus is on ensuring that the NG911 addresses are accurate, so that emergency services can arrive without any delay or risk.

The NG911 address depends on the location of the driveway and the building, therefore, vacant parcels do not have an address. Therefore, if you’re planning to construct a building, having a site plan handy can help us locate the building easily. Additionally, we work closely with the NG911 to perform an annual review of the current addresses within each sector, updating them when necessary. Understanding that the process of changing an address could be stressful for some, we always do our best to ensure a smooth and stress-free process.

How to obtain a new address

If your property is outside the city limits, the first step is to establish your driveway and site plan. 

  • In order to provide a 911 address, there needs to be a clear driveway (from the county road to the edge of the parcel). If there isn’t a driveway, you may contact Public Works for more information. The contact information is available on the form. If your parcel needs a waste system, the Environmental services office is also listed on the form.
  • Once the Mapping office has the driveway or culvert location information, we calculate the mapped location for the residence or building. Using the driveway, the center of the road, and the location of the residence or building, a NG911 address is calculated.
  • The Mapping office will update the state NG911 system with the exact location of the driveway and building.
  • Keep in mind that we are not able to update GPS Mapping apps or other services. Both the postal service and the state update Google, Apple Maps, Syngic, and other online mapping services on a quarterly basis. It may take up to a year or more for GPS to show your new address.

Contact Us


217 E Myrtle St
Independence, KS 67301

Phone: (620) 330-1212

Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm

Located on the second floor of the County Courthouse.